Email List Policy

The purpose of South Seattle Friends Meeting’s list serve is to share important Quaker-related announcements relevant to our Meeting. As an online representation of our community, it helps bind us together when we are not physically together in worship and encourages us to communicate one to one.

Guidelines for use of the email list

  • In deciding whether a post is appropriate for the listserv, consider whether it would be appropriate for in-person announcements at the rise of Meeting for Worship.

  • In order to help readers decide if they wish to open an email, please use one of the following categories as subject header: SSFM Hold in the Light, SSFM business, SSFM Peace and Justice, or SSFM Personal or Off Topic. Use the space after your category if you wish to indicate something more specific.

  • Anything sent to the listserv should be meant for the whole group, not just specific individuals. If your message is more appropriate for specific individuals, please use the directory to email them individually.

  • The listserv is not a forum for ongoing discussion or opinions.

  • Replies should usually be sent to the individual author only, not the whole group, unless there’s a compelling reason to reply to the whole group.

  • The listserv is not a place for raising or seasoning issues that are more properly contemplated during Meeting for Business.

  • The listserv should not be used for addressing interpersonal conflicts, which are better handled in person and directly with those involved. If you feel that you have received emails not sent in a spirit of peace, please contact the Clerk.

  • Please be respectful; remember that of God in every person. Don’t write anything you wouldn’t say in person. Our mailing list is a tool for cultivating and nurturing our community; as in the rest of our communications with each other, our emails are best written and read with respect, tolerance, and love.

Inappropriate posts

  • If you find a post inappropriate, talk to the Meeting Clerk first. If the Clerk agrees, Clerk will notify the author of the inappropriate post, asking him or her to abide by the guidelines.

  • If, after a reminder or two, the inappropriate posts persist, the Clerk may put the list-member on “moderated” status: the Webmaster will insure that all posts from that person will go to the Clerk, who will approve it (allowing it to be sent to the group) or reject it.